Monday, April 03, 2006

Spring is finally here!!! AMEN!

So miraculously in the past 2 weeks, snow has melted, mud has come and gone and now spring has finally arrived. The season of mud was much shorter here in the Novo-e than last year in Kalinovka. I think having your town built on the side of a rather steep hill helps. The water doesn't really stand still long enough to create mud. Our main street was like a river for a few days though. I am wearing my lovely spring jacket and my shades... well I always wear my shades... I like to think that others may not notice me if I'm incognito. But good news on the grant writting front, I will receive my $1450 grant for a comprehensive community narcotic prevention program. I'm very excited about that. The deadline for the Democracy Grant is tomorrow. I didn't receive all the wonderful feedback from the draft that I submitted as the first grant but this one is through the Embassy and not Peace Corps so I would imagine that they would be a bit more difficult. Also this one is for $13400 which is a considerable bit more. I made the changes that the grant program director at the embassy suggested and we shall see. It was quite the relief though when I heard that we would be awarded the money for the first grant. It was like finding out you made the cut for the cheerleading squad. Such anticipation, such buildup, and then release. I told my counterpart Natasha at school today and she preceeded to cheer and tell all the other teachers. Next thing I knew, Champaign had arrived and the impromptu celebration began... I don't know how it all happened but I swear the secret police, SBU, must have bugged the school and brought the champaign imediately. Now I hope they haven't got their hopes up... I'm feeling a bit of pressure now to come through on the program and hopefully it won't be a massive Bellyflop! Well The sun is shinning and the snow is gone... Spring has come and I've done some massive cleaning still with more to go though... Take care everyone... Oh and the ST Patty's Day party was a big hit! We all loved the Decorations sent from home. I even through a little party for the teachers at my school with home made Irish Soda Bread from a secret family recipe. The teachers couldn't believe that I had made the bread myself... Sometimes I think they render me domestically inept but then I surprise them again with a gem from my domesticated inner-soul.... Ta-Ta for now!


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