I'm SOOOO Sorry!!!
First of all... too all of my faithful readers... I AM SOOOOO SORRY!!!! I have been a really delenquent writter of late and I apologize. October and November have found me extremely busy. I'm teaching like 10 classes a week on top of reacently having the School Parliament elections and getting that off the ground. And while I used to go to the internet cafe after school... now my afterschool time has been taken with sports club 2 days a week, School Parliament 1 day a week, english club 1 day and showing movies on Friday nights. Whewww.... It's been crazy... It sounds like most of you have heard about my wonderful birthday!!! The kids made it really special and I greatly appreciated all that went into it! I received a new umbrella (i didn't have one so much needed), a pair of gloves, and pair of wool socks, a metallic picture of a sail boat, a broom (also much needed), enough flowers to open a florists shop, and many cards that are now providing beautiful wall paper in my office from my students and teachers at school. The director even taught the whole teaching staff the birthday song in english!!! And now today is THANKSGIVING!!!! My favorite american holiday and I baked cookies and gave it to the teaching staff as a show of my thanks. THings are going well here but I fing that there is not enough time in the day for well... anything! I'm going to celebrate this weekend in Poltava with a lot of other volunteers. I will say though that I was sad to hear about Ed's passing and I dedicate this posting to him... A great person who was always a beacon of light even in the most dificult times.... We'll miss you ED!!! I love you all and I'll see you in 28 days!!!
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