Saturday, May 28, 2005

A One Way Ticket to Krasnomeysk!!!

I am recently the proud recipient of a One Way Train Ticket!!! It reminded me of all those times when Dad said that he wanted a one way ticket to Timbuktu!!! Well Dad I beat you too it! Actually this one way ticket was a sort of reward for surviving 3 months of training where you barely have time to breathe!!!!
It's official folks... I am no longer the scum of the PC office, a PCT, I am officially now a PCV!!! I have taken the oath of the office with was administered in an amazing and memorable ceremony by the US Ambassador John Herbst. The swearing in ceremony took place in the same building as the First parliament of a United Ukraine in 1918. It's pretty historical. There was a ton of media coverage and yours truly gave 2 interviews in RUSSIAN for national television. It's a good thing the camara only shoots from the shoulders up because my knees were shacking for fear that they wouldn't understand me.
I'm sad to leave the people that I have grown so close too during my training process, my host family, Language and Technical teachers, and of course my cluster and link mates. But time moves forward and so must I. I'm excited to have a bit more independece and not be so closely under the all-knowing eyes of the training staff. It's a bit like the KGB but without the violence and all that bad stuff.... they know all! A new town will surely present new problems, but also ne opportunities. Take care and I'll write again very soon!!! I love you all!


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