Thursday, February 22, 2007

So my kids skip school!

I've come to the realization that it's okie in Ukraine for kids to skip school. This morning I was heading to the internet to do some serious financial aid apps online and I enctountered three of my 9th grade girls going to the bazaar to by gifts for the boys in thier class because tomorrow is Men's Day... Actually tomorrow used to be the soviet soldier holiday but since that no longer exists it has been readapted into men's day... I mean if international Women's Day (by international, I mean only celebrated in the former soviet countries) is March 8th we shouldn't leave the men out of the holiday equation. And while I'm at the computer club about to start this entry, my 11th grade student Ira comes up to me. Apperently she has computer class at the club at 12 on thursdays. I inquired as to what they are doing. Basic Word processing... the same thing they do at school every week and the computer teacher offers lessons after school as well. Now I really like all the girls I encountered this morning. The three from the 9th grade were all at my camp and Ira is a really sweet nice girl but apparently going to school is not a requirement for graduation. And they wonder why they have discipline with their students in class and why so many kids don't go to school. At least Ira was participating in some form of aneducational activity.

Life here is good. 3 months to go! I'm a bit sad that my service is coming to a close. I've made so many great friends and work with some wonderful people but at the same time I'm ready to move on to the next phase of my life. The applications for law schools are out and now I'm going through the fun process of applying for financial aid. BIG MONEY!!! NO WHAMMIES!!! I'm channaling my love for Press Your Luck in hopes that the powers that be will look favorably upon me. I mean, I fall way below the poverty line. So far below, that a limbo contest can not compete.

Winter has finally arrived with it's -15C today (that's about 5 degreesF). I was starting to think that I was serving in Peace Corps Georgia rather than Ukraine. Well, Hopefully I won't be as deliquent in the future with my blog over the last few months. Take care all and my estimated date of arrival is June 2nd!!!!


Blogger Gerry said...

Well Women's Day is coming up shortly...and on this note i'd like you to drop by my blog on International Womens Day sometime and check out all that i've posted there!!!

2:07 AM  

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