Thursday, April 26, 2007

Last day of teaching... TOMORROW!!!

Okie... so after 2 years of teaching Healthy Lifestyles and English, my last day of teaching will be tomorrow. How do I feel about this??? Well, at times, I've really enjoyed working with the students. Sometimes, they really focus and participate. This is usually a refreshing change from the norm. When this happens, we have a good time. Other days are not so good though, when no one cares and the students would rather be at home and whine for 45 minutes straight... Ukrainian kids I think are the little princes and princesses of the whine... I want to pull my hair out.

But I'm glad that I was a teacher at least for a short period of my life. I've definitely put to rest that doubt that maybe I should've applied for a masters in education program rather than law. Definitely, not the case. I've also gained a whole new respect for the teaching profession, especially elementary and secondary. I am thinking about sending all of my teachers a letter saying thank you for putting up with me and the hundreds of children that you have endured day in and day out. Additionally, that I extend my sincere apology, though I can not speak for my classmates, if I have ever made you want to pull out your hair.

But all in all, I am sad to see my days come to a close here. I will miss my 11 graders, my 10-A class, my 9-A class and my 7-B class. They all at times have made me think that perhaps the GI Jane look could be a plausible hair styling option for me, but more often then not they have left a smile on my face. Some of these students are extremely bright, funny, or worm-hearted, if not all three and I am excited to hear what they end up doing in the future.

As far as the trip home... Christine, my dear friend throughout this entire process, and I will be heading to Krakow, London, Dublin, and Galway. We are extremely excited for it and hope that all the hostels we end up in are clean and have nice showers!!! Take care everyone and I'll see you all soon... very soon!


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